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A magazine of literary arts, faith and culture.


Student Driven | Nationally Recognized


Statement of
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Belmont Story Review is committed to publishing stories, poetry and essays that are inclusive of diverse opinions and uplift typically underrepresented populations.

Through our editorial discernment, we seek to accept work from typically under-represented groups, whether this is BIPOC, LGTBQIA, ELL (English Language Learners) or other writers, dreamers and thinkers.



Ashley Bao

Ashley Bao is a Chinese-Canadian-American writer currently attending Amherst College. Her poetry and short fiction have appeared in Reckoning, Strange Horizons, Cast of Wonders, and elsewhere. She may sometimes be found looking at cute cats on X @ashleybaozi 


Serena Paver

Serena Paver (she/they) is a queer dance/movement psychotherapist, writer, and embodied creator. Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, and based in London, Serena’s work centers on the body, mental health, (mis)communication, and human connection, and has been published in Transnationalism, The Foreigner Press, and Roey Writes On.


M.K. Opar

M.K. Opar is a non-denominational church employee by day and a writer by night. She lives with her family in North Metro Atlanta and recently graduated from Kennesaw State University with a bachelor’s in psychology and a minor in religious studies. “Miss Helmet-Head” is her first literary publication.


Kelsey Myers

Kelsey Myers holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from Columbia University. Her work has appeared in The Write Launch. She and her wife reside in the Rust Belt of Ohio.


Belinda J. Kein

Belinda J. Kein is an expat New Yorker who resides in San Diego, CA. A poet early on, she now brings her lyricism and love of the succinct to short fiction, creative nonfiction, and hybrid prose. Her work has appeared in The Fourth River, The Razor, 2022 Dime Stories Anthology, Mom Egg Review, The New York Times and The Spirit of Pregnancy. Additionally, her work is scheduled to appear in Hippocampus Magazine, Vestal Review and the Stanchion Away From Home Anthology. She holds an MA in English from San Diego State University and an MFA in fiction from Queens University of Charlotte. She is currently working on a flash collection.


McKenzie Watson-Fore

McKenzie Watson-Fore is a writer, artist, and critic based in her hometown of Boulder, Colorado. She holds an MFA in writing from Pacific University and is working on a collection of essays about white American evangelicalism and the female experience. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Write or Die Magazine, Psaltery & Lyre, CALYX, and elsewhere. She can be found at or drinking tea on her back porch.


Alyssa Stadtlander 

Alyssa Stadtlander is a writer and actress based in Boise, Idaho. Her work is published in Ekstasis, Mudfish Magazine, Fathom, and others, along with several anthologies, including An Homage to Soren Kierkegaard: A Poetry Anthology, edited by Dana Gioia and Mary Grace Mangano. She is the recipient of the 16th Annual Mudfish Magazine Poetry Prize, judged by Marie Howe. For more, visit her website at


Nathanael O'Reilly

Nathanael O’Reilly is the author of twelve poetry collections, including Dublin Wandering, Landmarks, Selected Poems of Ned Kelly, Boulevard, (Un)belonging and Preparations for Departure. His poetry appears in journals & anthologies published in fifteen countries. He is the poetry editor for Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature.


Rebecca Pyle

Rebecca Pyle is an American writer who has been living in France over the past year. Her poetry is published in Chattahoochee Review, Penn Review, and Anacapa Review; fiction by her appears in The Los Angeles Review and Pangyrus Literary. Once upon a time she was a runner-up in the United Kingdom’s National Poetry Competition and the winner of the Carruth poetry prize. Artwork by her also appears in many art/lit journals, including The Rathalla Review, Blood Orange Review, and New England Review. See 


Muiz Ọpẹ́yẹmí Àjàyí

Muiz Ọpẹ́yẹmí Àjàyí (Frontier XVIII) is an editor at The Nigeria Review, poetry reader for Adroit Journal, and a 2023 Poetry Translation Centre UNDERTOW cohort. Winner of the Lagos-London Poetry Competition 2022, University of Ibadan Law LDS Poetry Prize 2022, shortlisted/longlisted for Ake Poetry Prize, Briefly Write Poetry Prize, Kreative Diadem Poetry Prize, a Best of The Net nominee, he features in Frontier Poetry, Chestnut Review, 20.35 Africa: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, Tab Journal, Olongo Africa, Lolwe, SAND Journal, Poetry Wales, Aké Review, Yabaleft Review, Poetry Column-NND, and elsewhere.

Eli Coyle
Eli Coyle holds a MA in English from California State University, Chico and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Nevada, Reno. His poetry and prose have recently been published or are forthcoming in: Harpur Palate, New York Quarterly, The Normal School, Poet Lore, Sierra Nevada Review, and The South Carolina Review among others. He currently teaches in the English Department at the University of Nevada, Reno.

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